Robbery! Paleopunk Devastated
Over Thanksgiving and the week following, the home of Paleopunk's owner and crafter was broken into not once, not twice, but three times. The last break-in occurred as she got home, leading to her being manhandled and hit by a car as the robbers fled the scene. (She is doing okay; shaken up but only minor internal bruising.)
Over these three events the thieves took their time and ransacked the property, including the garage and woodshop. All of the woodworking machinery, tools, exotic hardwoods, rolls of leather, bundles of fur - every woodcraft and leatherworking supply was taken. On top of that, along with personal possessions, computers, and jewelry, they stole every piece of Paleopunk inventory waiting to be sold. Floggers, Dragon Tails, Tail Plugs, Paddles, Blindfolds, Pendants, Bags, Rope, etc - all gone.
If you see any Paleopunk items for sale - PLEASE send us an email. We do not have any items up for sale in any stores or secondhand shops, so any item you see available is not being sold by us!
Without our lathe, drill press, planer, leathers, and all other supplies, we have no way of replacing our inventory for this holiday season. This is a devastating blow for us. We are asking our loyal customers to keep us in your thoughts this Christmas. A Donation Button has been added to our Contact page for any willing to help us get back on our feet. We are so thankful to our supporters during these hard times!